Discover About UWOCASO

Discover About UWOCASO

Uganda Women’s Cancer Support Organization (UWOCASO) was started in 2004 by breast cancer survivors, registered as an NGO in 2006 with number S6197 with a mission “To fight Cancer in Uganda by empowering women at risk of and/or living with cancer, their families and communities through provision of appropriate and evidence-based information and practices, awareness, supportive care and Advocacy”. UWOCASO has a secretariat with three full time staff and a team of dedicated volunteers (Cancer survivors) who support the implementation of the activities. UWOCASO has grown from five members to more than 200 across the country.
Want to Know About Us?

Want to Know About Us?

Uganda Women’s Cancer Support Organization
  • Vision

All women in Uganda free from cancer burden.

  • Mission

To fight cancer in Uganda by empowering women at risk of and/or living with cancer, their families, and communities through the provision of appropriate and evidence-based information and best practices, awareness, supportive care and advocacy.

  • Accountability and Transparency: We are accountable to our team of (volunteers, staff, and Board), our members and stakeholders and we are committed to remaining transparent in all operations at all times.

  • Integrity: We carry out all our duties with high moral and ethical standards acceptable by our members, clients, and others.
  • Participatory: We accord all members, volunteers and the community equal opportunities to participate in activities and programs of the organisation.

  • Volunteerism: We recognize and appreciate the support and commitment of volunteers as an essential element to our work and we seek to empower them in their work.

  • Efficiency in resource utilization: We seek to use creative and innovative ways in resource utilisation in order to develop people to their full potential and realize high-quality results and greater impact. We use resources wisely.

  • Fearlessness and truth-telling about cancer: We strive to create an organisation that is based on the principles of boldness and trust that understand the sensitivity of the disease and accord respect to the values and beliefs of others.

  • Inclusiveness: We are non-judgemental and shall remain open to all members and volunteers in an equitable manner. We work to ensure that services provided are open to everyone including patients/clients without discrimination.

  • Collective Action: We believe in partnership and collaborations for collective action and services to change the lives of the women at risk of and /or living with cancer for better- no one individual or organisation can do it alone. We respect the unique contribution of each one and will work together to meet our common goal.

  1. To increase information and awareness of female cancers in the community in the Central Region by 2025.

  2. To provide quality supportive care & referrals for cancer care & treatment to patients & their families in four Districts of the Central Region.
  3. To work in collaboration with different stakeholders to advocate for cancer prevention & control with a focus on cancers affecting women and girls in Uganda.

  4. To establish knowledge building practices in UWOCASO to inform evidence based cancer prevention & control services in Uganda, by 2025.

  5. To strengthen the internal capacity and systems and resource mobilization for institutional sustainability and growth by 2025 and beyond.

Our Pillars

Our Pillars

Information and Awareness
Supportive Care
Knowledge Building
Organisation Sustainability
Our Team

Our Team